Xiph Media Encoder is a set of PowerShell scripts to automate the transcoding of your audionumerical files to FLAC (lossless compression), Vorbis and Speex (codec specialized in the compression of the human voice) format. These scripts are very powerful and offer an exemplary flexibility.
So, Xiph Media Encoder allows you:
· to get tags from filename or folder tree;
· to rename files from tags;
· to save files in different folder according to their tags;
· to use in an optimal way the multicore CPU;
· to specify the CPU priority of transcoding;
· to use of all options offered by the command line encoders;
· to automatically switch off the computer at the end of transcoding.
To run, Xiph Media Encoder requiers the Framework .NET 2.0 (included in Vista) and, of course, PowerShell.
Download: Xiph Media Encoder 1.0