Virtual Desktop Toolbox enlarges your monitor by dynamically creating multiple non virtual (standalone) or virtual (shareable) desktops. You can organize programs and windows by categories in different desktops, share programs and windows between virtual desktops (either statically or dynamically using rules), group your desktops within a virtual screen and easily and quickly (one mouse move) switch from one desktop to another one.
Using the creation wizard, the AutoRun feature, scenarios and profiles, you can prepare desktops and programs for later use, either for yourself or for other users. Moreover, you can impersonate other users while staying in a single Windows session.
Using built-in tools, you can easily (through drag’n drop, contextual menus, tooltips, …) customize your workplace: background picture, sound, icons visibility and position, Windows notification area, … To make desktops and windows management easier, you can use the tremendous visual menu, that allows to manage and view all desktops within a single pane.
Finally, using the built-in Remote Desktop feature of Windows XP, you can link a remote computer to a desktop and control it just like you are on that computer (drives, printers and sound can be shared).
Virtual Desktop Toolbox supports Windows from NT4 SP6 to W2K and XP, fast user switching and multiple monitors configurations. It exists in english, french, italian, portuguese, spanish and german.
Download: Virtual Desktop Toolbox 2.72.4