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VidBox 7.0

VidBox Began as a humble piece of software and has slowly been developed into a very unique and stylish Multimedia player. VidBox features:

Fast load and Play, Easy Display Mode Change, Artificial Wide Screen, Frame/Time Displays, Zoom Control – In/Out, Zoom Frame Alignment, Drag and Drop Support, Start/Stop Frame Looping, Wave Volume Control, Recent Directory List, Track Bar Control, Media Search, Large View File List, AutoFit Video Display, Adjustable Video Aspect, Favorites List, Alphabetical File Select, Default Window Zoom +/-, Vid-Window Dragging, Minimize To System Tray, VCD Loader, Compact Disc (CD Audio), Common Graphic Support, Play List Builder, Shockwave Flash Support, Built-In Image Viewer, Plus More..

Supported Media Types:

Mpg, Mpeg, Mpa, M1v, Mp3, Mp2, Wav, Mid, Asf, Asx, Wmv,Wma, Dat (VCD) , Avi (RLE), Aif, Snd, Au, Cda (CD)

Gif (animated), Jpeg, Jpg, Bmp, Wmf, Emf, Ico+Swf – Shockwave Flash Files

Download: VidBox 7.0

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