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U.S. Military Launches ‘TroopTube’, Its YouTube Alternative

Because use of the popular video sharing site YouTube has been restricted for members of the U.S. military, there is now an alternative called TroopTube.

The site’s beta can be found at TroopTube.tv, and will let users sign up as members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or as a reservist or family member of a military member, as well as a civilian friend. Videos can be uploaded by any of these, but will be checked by censors before being put online.

“Videos must fall within accepted boundaries of community standards and safety,” says the Military OneSource website, in its description of TroopTube. Military OneSource runs the TroopTube website, and is owned by the Minneapolis-based Ceridian Corporation.

Read more: efluxmedia.com

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