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TsRemux 0.21.2

TsRemux is a transport stream re-muxer similar in functionality to EvoDemux. Some of the features currently implemented:

– Removal of source packet header
– Generation of source packet header
– Regeneration of DTCP descriptor (all others are kept) which removes analog output restrictions (downrezzing of HD, macrovision etc.)
– PAT/PMT generation for RAW TS files sourced from Sat/Cable/OTA
– Async I/O for maximum throughput
– Ability to trim streams at the beginning and/or the end
– Ability to pick and choose elementary streams to be kept
– Ability to remux PCR-less streams
– Ability to remux program streams (MPG/VOB/EVOB) into TS/M2TS
– Ability to demux elementary streams as well as subtitle streams compatible with SUPreader (right click the selected stream with the mouse)
– Fixing PCR/PTS/DTS after a file merge
– Removing end-of-stream markers for VC1 and AVC after a file merge
– Ability to inmux SUPreader presentation graphics subtile streams
– Ability to remux into simple Blu-Ray output
– Ability to remux MKV into TS (alpha)
– Ability to extract Dolby Digital from TrueHD in Blu-Ray streams

Download: TsRemux 0.21.2

Download: TsRemux 0.21.2 for OSX ports

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