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Tomodachi 0.4 Alpha 4

Tomodachi is a program that shows graphically the the way that you, your friends and other people in Orkut’s
network are connected. To be able to use it, you must necessarily be an Orkut member.

Don’t you know what is Orkut? Orkut is a social network website. This means that an Orkut member can search, among all Orkut members, for her friends (or relatives or classmates or acquaintances or whatever) and add them to her list of friends. If someone is not in the Orkut network, an Orkut member (and only an Orkut member) can send her an invitation to join it. Someone can after navigate through these friends lists and know who are the friends of her friends or the friends of the friends of the friends of her friends and so on. Besides that, there are also communities that are a kind of Internet forums created by Orkut members.

But in all this “friend of your friends” thing, we missed a way to visualize through graphs things like “did our friends knew each other?” or “has someone recently joined Orkut and all my friends have added her to their friends list except me?”. We expect that Tomodachi will help filling this gap.

Download: Tomodachi 0.4 Alpha 4

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