Tiger Envelopes is a little program that lets you read and write email privately.
When you send email from home or the office, it may feel like it’s private. But what most people don’t know is that any snoop can read it. Many governments and corporations spy on email, but it also could be identity thieves, stalkers, other crooks — or someone who’s just curious.
Your message often travels around the world just to get next door. It passes through many people’s hands in a few seconds, and any of them can instantly make a copy.
Tiger Envelopes keeps your mail private from the moment you send it until it arrives safely.
You don’t need to change your mail client. There are no extra steps. You just read and write mail as usual.
One click to install on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Configures Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Mac Mail and KMail for you.
Tiger Envelopes is free and open source. No Spyware, No Malware, No Central Control
Download: Tiger Envelopes 0.7.6 Beta