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TextShield Build 644

TextShield is a free, compact word processor with a wealth of features. Besides those features available with most ordinary word processors, TextShield has many advanced (but easy-to-use) features. TextShield can compress files automatically using the popular ZIP compression, making them as much AS 95% smaller. TextShield saves files in the universal RTF format, or in plain text. TextShield is both a word processor and a plain text editor. For maximum interchangeability, TextShield has a build-in HTML converter and can save files as Microsoft Word, and other formats, using Microsoft converters. TextShield supports advanced formatting features, like hyperlinks, underlining styles, Rainbow Colors and even 3D Text. TextShield is compact and can easily fit a single 1.44Mb floppy disk (try installing Word on a floppy…). Finally all these features would be worthless without a good help system; So TextShield has a 6000 word help file explaining everything that could be difficult for the beginning user.

To run TextShield Fusion properly, you will need to have Windows 95/98/Me/Xp/2000/NT 4 or above. TextShield has succesfully been tested on Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98 SE.

Download: TextShield Build 644 | Screenshots

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