SpreadMsg software provides unattended data capture, scanning, and extraction from a wide variety of data. Then, user rulesets are applied to the data. If rules are met, the data is further parsed and turned into messages that can be delivered to email addresses, text pagers, digital cellular or GSM mobile phones, laptops, PDA’s etc. Instant Messaging provides immediate delivery to specific destinations. Features may be controlled remotely via email, IM, or by command from wireless devices.
Raw data for message content can be captured, updated, and filtered in real time from many sources, such as:
– From the contents of files on your PC
– Data inside your Excel spreadsheets or workbooks
– Data from any other software applications via automatic DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
– Specific text content within web pages
– From your own E-Mail not even downloaded yet (waiting at your ISP or IMAP Server)
– From many realtime internet financial datafeeds
– From other applications…
Download: SpreadMsg Lite 5.30