Slappybox is a program you can run on your computer that turns your PC into your own video sharing website. With Slappybox, you can add your videos to your new site, and share them with your friends, relatives, co-workers, or even complete strangers across the Internet. The only thing your visitors need to access your Slappybox site and play videos is a compatible web browser (see below for specifics). They just type in your ip address into the address bar (or domain name, if you have one), and browse your Slappybox site like any other video sharing site.
Main Features:
· Share videos with your friends across the internet
· Automatically convert your video files to web friendly, streamable formats
· Set up users and groups, and assign passwords, to control who can see which videos on your site
· Viewers can search for videos
· Viewers can rate videos
· Direct download – you can optionally allow viewers to download the original, unencoded video file.
· Customize the look and feel of your site
· Link multiple installations together to form Slappybox networks with friends
To run Slappybox, you’ll need a PC running Windows XP/Vista/7, with at least 1GB of RAM, and plenty of disk space for your video files.
Download: Slappybox Beta 2