Simple Web page Capture allows you to take a perfect picture of large WebPages. Site designers, people having trouble with a webpage, or just about anyone may have a need to take a screen shot of a web page. But with many Web Pages being large and rather long taking a screenshot of the whole page is a big task. But now this program makes it simple, with one click of a button the program will auto scroll the page combining the screenshots into one perfect picture. Making capturing a webpage simple.
You simply resize the built in browser window to the width you want and the program will auto scroll the length of the page making one perfect picture of the page. The program doesn’t scroll the width as fluid web pages make it impossible to set the proper width, so the user can set the width to anything they like as long as it fits on the screen. You can even load your own bitmap file for a watermark, making one less step for you to do and making things a little more simple.
The program supports 5 file formats bmp, gif, jpeg, png and tif.
This program is Free.
Requires Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 and IE 6 or higher.
Download: Simple Webpage Capture 1.0.0