Amazon has long been rumored to have an online video store in the works, and those rumors have reached a fever pitch in the last month. Today, an intrepid hacker was able to confirm that such a store is in development?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùand he has the screenshots to prove it.
Web designer Alan Taylor did some digging last night after seeing a post on The post showed a cached Amazon page with links to “Amazon Digital Video” and “Television Central,” though the links themselves went nowhere. Taylor then did some sleuthing. “I looked at this cached Google page,” he writes on his blog, “and noticed the browse node for Digital Video was ‘16261631’. Then I Googled for ‘amazon’ and ‘16261631’, and found these results for¢‚Ǩ‚Äùan automated way for Amazon Webservices folks to find and use browse node IDs. They even have nice links straight into Amazon, which is how I found all of this.”
Full article: Ars Technica