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RAID 5 Data Recovery

RAID installations are becoming more common thanks to their ability to store large volumes of data across multiple hard drive disks. Thousands of companies use RAID data installations in their data centers and corporate IT infrastructures. Some high end home computer users also use RAID 5 array systems in order to store all of their personal files.

When there are data centers, many individuals have trouble with their IT deployments. Physical errors can occur as well as hardware related errors. A RAID 5 data array works by taking different pieces of a large amount of information and spreading it across multiple hard drives. For example, a large retailer who wants to keep information about their inventory as well as their customer purchases can use numerous different RAID data arrays to keep the information up to date. The size of the database may be so large that it is unable to be stored on just one or two hard drives. It may take dozens or even hundreds or hard drives to contain all of the information that the retailer wants to keep on file.

Data recovery from RAID 5 arrays can be more difficult because the data is located on different stripes on different hard drives. Companies that are using a large number of hard drives often use hot swappable hard drives, especially common in data centers. These hard drives can be removed without having to take the entire array down and replaced. The RAID 5 system may experience some system lag while the data is collected and redistributed to the other hard drives in the system. Individuals who use a RAID 5 array at their home often do not have a hot swappable system. This can lead to several hours of downtime depending upon the size of the hard drive and amount of time it takes for the data to be recovered.

RAID 5 data recovery can take a long time, even for computer experts. Individuals who want to ensure that their data is safe and secure should always store a copy of their data off site. While a RAID data array ensures that data is spread across multiple hard drives and is easier to access, it does not reduce the risk of hardware or software problems. Individuals and companies should always plan for the worst possible contingency and hope that they never have to use their plan.

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