Process Patrol helps you detect and stop spyware, adware, and virus processes on your Windows computer.
Version 2 of Process Patrol, the popular anti spyware and adware product, is now available!
Have spyware, adware, malware, and other forms of badware taken over your computer? These programs can slow your computer down to a crawl, and bombard you with popup ads. If you think your computer is infected, then download a free copy of our anti spyware and adware product and start regaining control of your computer today!
Process Patrol helps you detect and stop spyware and adware processes with the following features:
– It helps you understand exactly what is running on your computer.
– It helps you build a list of spyware and adware programs.
– It stops these spyware and adware programs at the push of a button.
– It can monitor your system in a schedule that you setup, and automatically stop the spyware and adware processes that it finds.
– It optionally notifies you whenever a new process starts up that you haven’t yet flagged as either good or bad.
Download: Process Patrol 2.01