Just by emptying recycle been the files and folders are not gone forever. Anyone can use special recovery software to restore any deleted items. Yes, this is true and its the way Windows works. Any deleted file still exists on your disk until overwritten with some other content, for example: some other file.
The main purpose of Prevent Restore is to make deleted files and folders unrecoverable. Its made as Wizard program and will be friendly for any computer newbie. “Prevent Restore” will overwrite all free space on your hard disks that can contain fragments of deleted files with random data to avoid any possibility of recovery. It uses several security algorithms (DoD 5220.22, Guttman you can replace deleted data with random characters, digits, spaces e.t.c.). While writing “Prevent Restore” fills out information to the end of each cluster, leaving no chance to restore even just one word!
Supported OS: Windows XP and Vista
Download: Prevent Restore 2.17