Organizing pdf and chm documents has never been so easy!
PDF Explorer is a PDF and CHM file management software.
It allows the effortless indexation of our pdf and chm documents in a database file using several metadata fields like: Filename, file size, file date, Title, Subject, Author, Creator, Producer, Creation Date, Modification Date, Number of Pages, and a maximum of 100 custom fields to enter custom data.
With PDF Explorer we can easily index our entire collection of documents, spread by several disks, network places and also within ZIP, RAR and ACE compressed archives.
We can then search through all the files using boolean expressions and full text search, view them, extract images, extract text, apply batch functions, and more.
PDF Explorer can also read out loud the documents text so we can relax our eyes, or create wav or mp3 audio files we can listen later.
PDF Explorer also includes a Web Server, providing remote access to some of the program functionalities using a simple web browser. We can leave the server running at home and access to our pdf collection from work office, or vice versa. We can also construct, with this functionality, a server-client schema at our office LAN.
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Download: PDF Explorer 1.5 build 58 (30 days Trial)