OGGMux is a replacement for GraphEdit, a developer Tool which belongs to the DirectX SSDK from Microsoft. GraphEdit isn’t really comfortable for the end-user, but very helpful during development. So there is the need for a easy-to-use user interface, which has the necessary capabilities of GraphEdit – and even more.
For example, it’s nearly impossible to setup chapter information with GraphEdit. In OggMux it’s just a mouseclick to import the chapterlist generated by ChapterXtractor or SmartRipper. OggMux is, in simple words, a FrontEnd to Tobias’s OGG DirectShow Filters. The whole magic is done by his filters. So I would like to thank him very much for this nice implementation. OggMux isn’t really a “big” program, but it helped making OGG/OGM a wide-spread format and unleashed the power of Tobias’ filters.
Download: OGGMux