Linux on the Playstation 3 (PS3)? IBM thinks so. A tutorial now available on IBM’s developerWorks site provides the rundown on how to deploy Linux on the latest game station from Sony. But there’s more than a Linux endorsement story at work here.
The approach is also a showcase for IBM’s Cell broadband processor, which IBM and partners Sony and Toshiba spent billions to develop.
A key part of the technology’s long-term success rests in the hands of developers who can work with the Cell platform. That means training time.
“This was posted as an informational technology piece for developers looking to broaden their horizons on programming Cell BE-based blades and other Cell BE-based systems,” Kathy Mandelstein, IBM’s director of worldwide developer programs, told “IBM collaborated with Sony and Toshiba in the development of the Cell BE technology discussed in this tutorial.”
Furthermore IBM does not officially endorse the installation of Linux on the PS3.
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