Hardware accelerated Flash is incoming for the hot N1
Yesterday Google officially announced the Nexus One smart phone, an Android 2.1 handset with hardware from HTC and a personal software touch from Google. The new handset brings a super-fast 1 GHz Snapdragon mobile processor and offers new Android 2.1 features like voice-to-text entry in all text fields. The handset had been rumored to be incoming since last month, when Google handed it out to employees as a Christmas bonus.
Adobe has released a video detailing its own work with Google on the N1 phone project. The video details Adobe’s efforts to pack Flash 10.1 — hardware-accelerated rich internet media — into the powerful smart phone.
Staff at Adobe state that Flash 10.1, currently in its second beta, is progressing nicely on the smart phone.
Read more: dailytech.com