Filzip is an archiving utility with full support (add and extract) for ZIP (including Quake III’s PK3),BH (BlakHole), CAB (Microsoft Cabinet),JAR (JavaARchive), LHA (LZH), TAR and GZIP(TAR.GZ)
• Extracting support for several other archive formats: ACE, ARC, ARJ, RAR, ZOO
• Support for internet encoded files .UUE and .XXE
• Standard archive operations like add, extract, delete or view files from archive, and other functions like renaming files within ZIP archives, viewing and writing a comment, define an external viewing program, test the archive if it’s valid (after a download), “Checkout” function, or automatically install a program out of an archive, set archive passwords
• built-in email client, but also possibility to launch system default email client
• Create SFX (SelFExtracting) archives to provide your data easily, e.g. over the internet
• Copy, Rename, Move or Delete archives within Filzip
• Find files in archives
• Write ZIP file span (predifined size or user defined, no limits!)
• Explorer & Shell integration using Filzip Shell Extensions. E.g. extract files from context menu, or add from explorer directly to zip
• Converting between several archive formats, for example converting ZIP to CAB archive.
• multiExtract support! you can select several archives and extract them at once. Many options.
• Help file in new Compiled Html Help format.
• Complete uninstallation
• and many more…
Download: Filzip 3.06