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CoolMon 2 Beta 2

CoolMon is a program for monitoring vital system stats and almost anything else you wish to display on the desktop. It can also display stats from remote pc’s and publish real-time stats on a webpage. The application can display CPU, RAM and page file usage, hard drive usage, MotherBoard Monitor temperatures and fan speeds, various network stats and much, much more:

:: Processor usage (up to four CPU’s)
:: Number of Processes
:: Number of Threads
:: Process using the most CPU time
:: Processor type
:: Used/Free/Total page file
:: Used/Free/Total RAM
:: Free/Total/Grand Total Disk space (up to sixteen disks, also mapped network drives)
:: Computer Uptime
:: Date & Time
:: Computer name
:: User name
:: All IP addresses
:: Network read and write speed (up to four NICs)
:: Total Bytes sent and received
:: Battery status

CoolMon 2 has been tested on Windows 2000 and Windows XP only, but should in theory run on anything from Win98 oem2 and upwards (with the exception of Vista). Some plugins may, however require either 2000 or XP to work.

Download: CoolMon 2 Beta 2

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