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Chainsaw 6.4.3249

Chainsaw is a Windows IRC bot meant to administrate a channel or simply as a replacement to mirc.

• Secure servers connections supported via SSL.
• Ability to generate channel statistics using pisg.
• IPv6 network protocol support.
• Sample plugins that allows users to see the daily horoscope and query the state of game servers for 105 supported games including Counter Strike, Quake 3 and Doom 3.
• Web Service and remoting server to interact with the bot.
• Choose a profile for the bot that will validate the user available commands.
• Configure the bot to search for news, based on topics specified by the bot administrator, and inform the administrator of its existence.
• Commands that quickly retrieve news topics from severall sites using either RSS or Atom feeds.
• Control all bot functions from one window, like BitchX.
• It is possible (and recomended) to change all bot settings by its own commands, so you don’t have to manually change any of the bots files.
• AutoJoin channels list (channels that the bot should enter automatically after a connection to a server has been established) with message (optional) to the nicks that join those channels.
• Protections against flood (ctcp, invite, notice, nick) and text (repeated, excess chars, bad words, bad nicks/idents, advertising and spam) on channels and private.
• Include/exclude ops and voices of protections.
• Dynamic word dictionary.
• Alternate Caps, Elite and Hacker talker, so that lamers can’t understand a thing the bot says.
• DCC Chat/Send support.
• Users whith level bellow 0 are automatically kicked/banned as soon as the bot sees them.
• Complete logging of all channels, privates with the bot and spamlog in severall formats: RTF, TXT, HTML, MS SQL Server, FireBird SQL Server, PostgreSQL Server and SQLite.
• Execute VB.NET, JScript.NET and C# functions through the commands !calc, !calcJS and !calcC#.
• Complete control of commands and command level that are validated to the bot users.
• Add and remove commands while the bot is running.
• A.I. module (if alice mode is activated) so the bot can pretend to be human when someone talks with him.
• IMDB command that allows searching the imdb.com database.
• Bash command that retrieves bash.org quotes.
• Confession command that pulls a random confession from grouphug.us and make it appear that someone on the channel said it.
• Nickometer command which will tell you how ‘lame’ an IRC nick is.

System Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.

Download: Chainsaw 6.4.3249

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