Bump makes swapping contact information as simple as bumping two phones together. No typing, no searching a list for the right person, no shaking your phone, no modem noises, no mistakes.
Contact information is saved directly into your address book. Perfect for business or personal use.
1) Open Bump on both phones
2) While holding the phones, gently bump your hands together
3) Confirm the exchange
– Compatibility: Works across any type of internet connection (3G, EDGE, WiFi) on iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod Touch (and soon many other devices)
– Security: No one can see any of your information (not even your name) until you physically bump hands with them
– Flexibility: Select the information you want to share directly from the home screen
Speed: Exchange contact information error-free in less than 10 seconds
Download: Bump for iPhone and iPod Touch 1.33