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Bill Gates Optimistic about Advertising, Vista

Chairman Bill Gates talked about the Microsoft failed attempt to acquire Yahoo, and Windows Vista, among other things, during a press conference in Tokyo on Wednesday. The bottom line is that the company he co-founded is currently pursuing its own independent path.

“Now at this point Microsoft is focused on its independent strategy,” Gates said, per AP. He did not dismiss the possibility of other deals to acquire market share quickly. “Well, the key decisions on that will be made by Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer, who took a look at Yahoo and decided that on our own he likes the stuff that we’re doing,” Gates said according to the AP.

Microsoft’s Chairman said in Jakarta that Vista saw a “very rapid sales rate,” claiming that 140 million copies of Vista have been sold. Late last month, Microsoft has started to distribute Windows Vista SP1 automatically to the users who have the Automatic Update feature turned on.

Full article: efluxmedia.com

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