if you have just recently re-installed your operating system, this program will save you hours and hours of time re-installing everything. Auto-Patcher includes: Internet Explorer 6 sp1, Direct X 9.0c (October 2006), Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 sp1, and Windows Media Player 9. It also includes every update that has been released by Microsoft and every unofficial update posted on msfn. It also includes quite a few optional components like .Net framework 2 and the System Policy Editor for Windows 98se.
The only things missing are the other unofficial service packs and update packs that are floating around. But there should be nothing critical from those packs missing from Auto-Patcher.
This program will also work on any existing Windows 98 SE (english) system and will still only install updates and hotfixes if your computer is missing them. If you want to know before-hand what Auto-Patcher thinks is missing, there is a report function available that will compile a list of all missing updates.
The goal in the end is to have Auto-Patcher do everything you need to have your computer ready to go after performing a complete clean re-installation of Windows 98 se.
Download: Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English) 1.91 Beta MSFN.org