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The! Microsoft! And! Yahoo! Deal! Could! Be! Back! On! Yowzers!

Looks like Microsoft is willing to talk turkey about buying part of all of Yahoo once more, but there’s a catch – Yahoo must elect a new board, with Carl Icahn threatening to dump Chief Yahoo Jerry Yang should it happen!

Reuters has reported that if well known corporate investor Carl Icahn gets his way and sees a new Yahoo board elected, Microsoft’s plans to snaffle up Yahoo could start up all over again.

Of course it’s now well know that Yahoo! wanted US $37 a share when Microsoft was only willing to pay $33 a share, a value that put Yahoo at US $47.5 billion.

Quite why this wasn’t enough for “Chief Yahoo” Jerry Yang is now the stuff of legend, after all, it’s not every day you get that kind of offer.

But clearly Yang though it was good enough to refuse, at least long enough to annoy Microsoft so much that it decided to pull away from the deal, clearly hoping that future events might see it get Yahoo at a much cheaper price.

Full article: itwire.com

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