DigicartPC is a utility for playing media files on Windows XP and Vista using Windows and ASIO drivers.
336 buttons arranged in 8 pages of 42.
For each button
– Assign a media file – WAV, MP3, MID, MPG, AVI, MOV, WMA, WMV, BWF, AIFF, AC3, JPG, BMP etc.
– Set Volume, Pan, Varispeed.
– Fade In, Fade Out, Loop.
– Start on mouse, midi, GPI, keyboard and/or midi timecode.
– Stop other samples on play – collectively or selectively.
– Stop and re-cue or Pause.
– Buzzers and Bells.
– Playlists and Surround.
– Set button caption and colour.
– Assign to any available output.
Very quick, very simple. Completely free of charge
Download: DigicartPC 1.0