Google is helping the team that develops Firefox build anti-phishing technology into release 2, which is due to appear later this year
An upcoming version of Firefox will include protection against phishing scams, using technology that might come from Google.
The phishing shield is a key new security feature planned for Firefox 2, slated for release in the third quarter of this year, Mozilla’s Mike Shaver said in an interview on Tuesday.
“Everybody understands that phishing is a significant problem on the Web,” said Shaver, a technology strategist at the company, which oversees Firefox development. “We are putting antiphishing into Firefox, and Google is working with us on that.”
With the continued rise in online attacks, security tools have become something Web browser makers can use to try to stand out. Microsoft plans to include features to protect Web surfers against online scams in Internet Explorer 7, due later in 2006. Similar functionality is already in Netscape 8 and Opera 8, both released last year.
“It is another example of the energy that has returned to the browser marker,” Shaver said.
Full article: ZDNet UK