SpamKiller is easy to use, keeping you in control at all times.
SpamKiller examines incoming mail for unwanted correspondence and solicitations with a combination of powerful and flexible methods. SpamKiller filters any spam emails sent without your explicit permission to keep your Inbox uncluttered.
:: SpamKiller identifies spam mail by comparing it with dynamic content in blacklists. These are reports collated with feedback received from thousands of users all over the world!
:: You first mark what is spam, then later decide the items status.
:: Incoming spam is automatically redirected to a separate folder.
:: Delete at your convenience, or redirect items marked as spam back into your working folders.
:: Added value with the free access (only via the SpamKiller program) to Spamcop’s popular blocking lists.
Compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express for Office 2000 and Office XP.
Download: SpamKiller Free Windows 98/2000/ME/XP