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At last – a Mac tablet computer

It has been a year since the announcement, but the Modbook – a keyboard-less tablet computer created by modifying a MacBook laptop – is finally shipping. And contrary to initial speculation, it has the full blessing of Apple.

The Modbook, from California-based Axiotron , is the only Mac-based tablet computer on the market. It has been created by combining the core hardware and software of a standard MacBook laptop with a Wacom digitised pen-sensitive LCD slate-style display and makes use of Apple’s built-in Inkwell handwriting recognition technology. 2.0GHz or 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor options are available. It comes with a built-in iSight camera and an integrated 24x DVD Combo drive or 8x DVD SuperDrive and built-in GPS, and sells for a little over $US2200.

Full article: itwire.com

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