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SnapShooter 2007 1.3.0

SnapShooter 2007 is a small freeware application that is able to capture an image of the active window or screen directly to a file on your disk, rather than having to manually fire up an image processing app and save it from the clipboard yourself.

Beyond its basic concept of capturing images, SnapShooter 2007 incorporates a pluggable system that allows for plugins that may alter the images after capture. Examples may be automatically applying a watermark, altering the colors, e-mail the image, print it etc.

You could for example configure SnapShooter 2007 to capture the active window for you, make it grayscale and put a copyright watermark text in the lower right corner and then upload it to ImageShack.us for you, returning the link to the image – automatically each time you press a defined hotkey!

SnapShooter 2007 requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher to run.

Download: SnapShooter 2007 1.3.0

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