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Apple Patch Plugs AirPort Holes

Apple Computer issued a security update targeting 31 flaws in its Mac OS X operating system, including a vulnerability that could open wireless users to attack. The hole in the original AirPort wireless networking card card also highlights a continuing feud between Apple and researchers over how security glitches should be revealed.

Along with the AirPort issue, Apple’s security update 2006-007 addresses problems discovered in Mac OS X 10.3.9 and Mac OS X10.4.8 for both client and server versions of the operating system.

In a statement, Apple said the AirPort issue affects eMac, iBook, iMac, PowerBook G3 and PowerBook G4 and Power Mac G4 systems. Unlike the original AirPort device, which supports both 802.11b/g, newer AirPort Extreme cards are 802.11g-only and are unaffected by the vulnerability.

Full article: internetnews.com

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