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Spammers see image trick success

Spammers are foiling some security software by sending junk emails containing nothing but images, according to experts.

Despite a decline last year, so called ?¢‚Ǩ?ìimage spam?¢‚Ǩ¬ù bounced back at the beginning of this year and has remained strong ever since, accounting for around 25 per cent of all spam, according to messaging company Postini. Pornography and stock offers are amongst the most common image spam messages.

Spam accounts for 72.9 per cent of all emails according to data from Postini StatTrack (www.postini.com/stats/). In 2005, image spam accounted for just five per cent of spam, but after seeing initial success many spammers switched tactics from text to image spam.

Full story: Web User

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