Sony BMG Music Entertainment wants to give bloggers free music and video–sort of.
The music conglomerate is promoting a new site, called Musicbox Video, that showcases videos, artist interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and other material from a broad portfolio of its artists. Want to see a film clip of Bruce Springsteen singing “The River” from the 1980 movie “No Nukes” or some clips from Franz Ferdinand? The site has it.
But Sony will also actively encourage fan sites and bloggers–who are mostly used to receiving cease-and-desist letters from studios–to link to the material. Links for adding Musicbox content are displayed on the site. Individuals thus could create sites focused around certain artists by linking to video channels on the Musicbox site dedicated to them, or link to several channels which, in the aggregate, comprise the most mawkish artists (in the view of the blogger) that Sony has to offer.
The turnabout largely comes amid a revamp of the company being conducted by CEO Howard Stringer. It is also taking place because the videos, in Flash, can’t be pirated, at least not easily.
Sony also sells ads on the service. DreamWorks Animation SKG and Hewlett-Packard have already signed up to show commercials. The ads pop up before the first video plays. Roll-overs, sponsorships and other forms of advertising will likely be integrated into the system.
Full story: CNET