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EULAlyzer 2.0

Analyze license agreements for interesting words and phrases. Make sense of the nonsensical.

Discover if the software you’re about to install displays pop-up ads, transmits personally identifiable information, uses unique identifiers to track you, or much much more. EULAlyzer can analyze license agreements in seconds, and provide a detailed listing of potentially interesting words and phrases.

The Benefits
– Discover potentially hidden behavior about the software you’re going to install
– Pick up on things you missed when reading license agreements
– Keep a saved database of the license agreements and documents you view
– Instant results – super-fast analysis in just a second

And with additional features like the EULA Research Center, which optionally allows users to anonymously submit license agreements they scan to help us to further improve the program, everyone can be a part of the effort to make something that used to be so tedious, so easy.

When installing software, never just click past the license agreement. When joining a new site, don’t just write off the privacy policy as too long and verbose to read. Pop it into EULAlyzer, and EULAlyze it!

Download: EULAlyzer 2.0

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