Plus why it’s time netbooks were sold like phones, not PCs
What’s the difference between a mobile phone and a netbook?
And what does it mean that Android turns out to be a great netbook OS with specific commands for supporting netbook-like devices?
If 2008 has proved anything, it’s there’s definitely room for a cheap, super-portable device that enables you to get useful things done online.
If this is what netbooks are ‘for’, then are they as good as they could be? The answer is no, and part of the problem is you can only use them in convenient locations, where there is Wi-Fi coverage or a network connection.
The other problem concerns the OS, with customer resistance to the flavours of Linux that have powered many of them up to now, and question marks about Microsoft’s enthusiasm for netbooks in general.
It appears Google have had their eyes on the sector for a while, given it took a couple of hackers only four hours to get Android running on an Asus Eee PC 1000H. It turns out that there are two product policies in Android’s code, policies that direct the OS towards specific uses. One is for phones, the other for mobile internet devices, like netbooks.
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