Open Source Radio Automation
Rivendell is a complete radio broadcast automation solution, with facilities for the acquisition, management, scheduling and playout of audio content. It has all of the features one would expect in a modern, fully-fledged radio automation system, including support for both PCM and MPEG audio encoding, full voicetracking and log customization as well as support for a wide variety of third party software and hardware. As a robust, functionally complete digital audio system for broadcast radio applications, Rivendell uses industry standard components like the GNU/Linux Operating System, the AudioScience HPI Driver Architecture and the MySQL Database Engine. Rivendell is available under the GNU Public License.
Requirements: Windows or SuSE Linux (openSUSE), XFree86 Supported Video Card, AudioScience Audio Adapter, MySQL Database or Microsoft SQL Server.
Download: Rivendell Radio Broadcast Automation 1.5.2